• Mental Health,  Uncategorized

    How To Not Be Triggered

    A Guide To Being Unbothered Being triggered is a normal part of life. We’re all humans, and we all have emotions, and among those emotions are anger and sometimes a little bit of rage. It’s only human, and as we mature and as we grow into adults, we come to realize that we have to build some sort of emotional resilience and maturity. Otherwise, we’re just going to lash out emotionally towards anything that may happen in our lives, and that’s not healthy, and it’s especially not healthy when you’re trying to maintain healthy connections in your life. This is why I felt inspired to write this blog. I’ve had…

  • Nutrition,  Uncategorized

    Decreasing Food Value in the U.S.

    The intention behind this post is to inform the reader on the largest seed company affecting the agricultural industry. I will be discussing Monsanto’s tainted history & its contributions to the decreasing food value in the U.S. It’s no lie that food in the U.S. has only been decreasing in value with the passing of time. From genetically modified foods to dangerous and poisonous herbicides being integrated into farming culture to the chemicals allowed in our foods despite most of them being banned in other countries, The majority of the food we consume is tainted. Tainted food gives health a whole new meaning. If you live in the U.S., you’re…

  • Mental Health,  Spirituality,  Uncategorized

    Forgiveness Is Freedom

    Let’s talk about that uncomfortable act that isn’t too often celebrated, forgiveness. Yes, I am aware that the thought of forgiving those who have wronged us in the past is not the least bit appealing to most. Yet, here I am, challenging you to change your perspective on your notion of forgiveness. You see, sometimes when we’re going through a healing phase, it entails exploring any trauma and emotions that may come to the surface so that the energy can be processed and released from the body, making room for new energy to come into your energetic vortex, ergo your life. When this suppressed energy gets released from the body,…

  • Lifestyle,  Mental Health,  Posts,  Uncategorized

    Aging With Grace

    In this blog post I will share my perspective on aging and question societal beliefs pertaining to the matter. As time progresses, it’s only natural that the human body is going to experience wear and tear. Everything in life has its cycles. We see it in the trees we see surrounding us whenever we go outside for a breath of fresh air. To the beautiful birds that chirp every morning. Even in the squirrels we see running up and down the powerlines, to us humans despite how desperately we attempt to fight nature. As a matter of fact, even the material objects we have a tendency of obsessing over come…

  • Lifestyle,  Uncategorized

    Embracing Your Feminine Energy

    Menstrual Cycle Self Care Tips Ahh thy holy period. Yes, I’m talking about that time of the month that makes you want to rip your hair out and completely devour all the chocolate in your pantry. Despite the discomfort most of us women face at the hands of our monthly gift, it is also a powerful time as we are in tune and deeply connected to our womb. The menstrual cycle is a monthly process in which the body gets ready for a possible baby. It takes about 28 days and involves hormones causing the release of an egg and preparing the uterus. Estrogen makes the uterus lining grow, and…

  • Fitness,  Healthy Recipes,  Nutrition,  Uncategorized

    Green Juice: A Nutrient Packed Elixir

    In this blog post I will discuss the benefits of drinking green juice while also providing a delicious recipe Unless you live under a rock, I’m sure you’ve heard your fair share of why juicing is so amazing. Assuming you’re not Patrick star, then you’re probably aware of the power behind fueling your body with a healthy elixir. Juicing has only grown in popularity throughout the years, main stream media and social icons such as, Naomi Campbell and Miranda Kerr, being a huge contributor to this. Juicing has a plethora of advantages so it’s not surprising to see why it’s become such a popular trend throughout pop culture. If you’re…

  • Lifestyle,  Nutrition,  Uncategorized

    8 Ways To Boost Your Immune System

    Your immune system is responsible for protecting your body against infections. Having a weak immune system can make you more susceptible to getting sick. I think we can all agree that being sick is an extremely unpleasant experience. The muscle aches, the headaches, the uncontrollable coughing.. definitely not ideal when you’re a busy individual. Falling sick can set you back and forces you to take a much needed rest so that your body can fight the bacteria or virus. Although getting sick is pretty much inevitable there are certain things that you can implement into your daily regimen in order to boost your immune health. This could help strengthen your…

  • Fitness,  Posts,  Uncategorized

    Gym Tips for Beginners

    Tips I Wish I Knew As A Gym Newbie So you decided you want to get fit huh? good for you! Everyone knows getting daily movement is essential for your health, but only few people choose to intentionally get a workout not to mention go to the.. dare I say it.. gym. Yup I know a few people who cringe when I bring that word up. Well sorry to break it to you but there are no gremlins or scary monsters waiting to be unleashed at the site of your entrance to the gym. As a matter a fact, after showing up to workout consistently you eventually start to crave…

  • Mental Health,  Posts,  Spirituality,  Thought Piece

    Everything is Meaningless

    Life… Has no meaning. It is merely what you make of it. The happening is just that….. Happening. It is a mere result of existence. It is a fact. Given that we have not completely proven that this may all be a simulated reality. Your experiences, feelings, and the events occurring within your life cannot be labeled as anything other than the truth as it is in fact happening. Existence is a fact, the happening is a result of existence. The unfolding actions in our day to day lives are nothing more than a concoction of cause and effects pigmenting our perceived reality. Outside of what value we attach to…

  • Mental Health,  Posts,  Thought Piece

    Cultivating Inner Peace Within A World of Chaos

    In the snap of a finger, life can easily get very fast paced and overwhelming. The work life structure that has been instilled within most of us can sometimes lead us to obsessively work ourselves to oblivion… or worse, burn-out. It is because of this that maintaining a balanced level of inner peace is just as much a priority as your career, family, and time for fun. Without taking time to go within and re-calibrate your energy, you risk inner- chaos. In taking time to care for yourself you also in the same take care of others. We go on about our lives experiencing an overwhelming need to get things…

  • Lifestyle,  Mental Health,  Thought Piece

    The Magic Of Gratitude

    Gratitude is when you have an intense spark of appreciation. An immense thankfulness for the good, the great, and for the silver lining in absolutely everything. When practicing gratitude, you allow your focus to shift to the beauty in your life. When you focus on the beauty in all things your life has to offer, you have significantly less time to focus on the perceived “bad” in your life. As the saying goes: “Where focus goes, energy flows” – Tony Robbins A Paradigm Shift To A Happier Life Gratitude is an amazing emotion that can seriously help you excel in every aspect of your life. That is if you let…

  • Healthy Recipes,  Lifestyle,  Nutrition,  Posts

    8 Fruits That Will Make You Feel Like a Superhuman

    Throughout hundreds of years, our ancestors cultivated delicious produce as a means of sustaining their well-being. To this day, these same nutritious fruit hold a multitude of benefits to our health. From boosting our energy levels through providing us the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to function properly. To improving our mood through the natural occurring dopamine inducing sugar found in fruit that helps elevate our mood. Being mouthwatering yet maintaining so many health giving benefits, fruit is undeniably one of the most beautiful gems Mother Nature has gifted us with. Within a time in which there’s excess marketing consistently advertising chemically processed non beneficial foods. It’s no surprise…

  • Healthy Recipes,  Nutrition,  Posts

    Homemade Dog Treats Your Furry Friend Will Love

    In honor of National cook for your pet day, I decided to share a fun delicious recipe that you can re-create from the comfort of your home. This healthy recipe is dog friendly and will have your furry friend begging for more! A Dogs World Rey: Being cute 🙂 The relationship we carry with dogs dates as far back as 40,000 years. From wolves to domesticated pets, after years of interaction we’ve developed a strong bond with our k9 companions. No matter where your little buddy comes from or what they’ve gone through, you give a dog love and they will return it ten times over. Although we are emotional…

  • Lifestyle,  Mental Health,  Posts

    The Joy is in the Journey; Overcoming Anxiety

    Sweaty palms, flustered face, an intense vibration resonating from the chambers of the heart. Ba boom! Ba boom! Ba boom! Ahhh the overwhelming discomfort the body experiences at the hands of anxiety. I think most of us are all too familiar with this feeling. For as long as I could remember, anxiety had been a prevalent issue in my life, like a little pest just biting away at my mental wellbeing. That is, until I decided I would no longer allow anxiety to rule over me. For years anxiety had me in it’s shackles. Overthinking every interaction, every possible outcome. It became a way of being. The intrusive thoughts would…

  • Fitness,  Lifestyle,  Mental Health,  Nutrition,  Posts

    Health: The Ultimate Form of Wealth

    What is Health? According to the World Health Organization, health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Therefore, in order to be in a healthy state of being, one must take into consideration not only their physical health by consuming nutrient dense foods and exercising regularly but they must also par-take in activities that contribute to mental health and social well being in a positive way. With the ever growing distractions of the modern world, achieving overall good health can pose to be difficult. Human are essentially creatures of habit. This is why health is derived from day to day actions, by implementing and enforcing…