Sun Tzu’s Strategies From The Art of War
Why People Get Weird When You Start Winning It’s a time of spiritual warfare, and it’s important to always know how to protect your energy. Life is about duality, which means there’s polarity in everything: polarity means there’s good and bad, so when the bad gets nasty, it’s important to know how to properly protect yourself. Let’s have a conversation on how to deal with people who are jealous of you or trying to undermine your progress by implementing some strategies from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. If you guys are familiar with this book, then you know that The Art of War teaches you how to win without…
Everything is Meaningless
Life… Has no meaning. It is merely what you make of it. The happening is just that….. Happening. It is a mere result of existence. It is a fact. Given that we have not completely proven that this may all be a simulated reality. Your experiences, feelings, and the events occurring within your life cannot be labeled as anything other than the truth as it is in fact happening. Existence is a fact, the happening is a result of existence. The unfolding actions in our day to day lives are nothing more than a concoction of cause and effects pigmenting our perceived reality. Outside of what value we attach to…
Cultivating Inner Peace Within A World of Chaos
In the snap of a finger, life can easily get very fast paced and overwhelming. The work life structure that has been instilled within most of us can sometimes lead us to obsessively work ourselves to oblivion… or worse, burn-out. It is because of this that maintaining a balanced level of inner peace is just as much a priority as your career, family, and time for fun. Without taking time to go within and re-calibrate your energy, you risk inner- chaos. In taking time to care for yourself you also in the same take care of others. We go on about our lives experiencing an overwhelming need to get things…